Thursday, April 2, 2009

Giving up the Cookie......

I have decided to start a Cookie-A-Month Giveaway
to get more peeps on the healthy breakfast, healthy snackin train!
Now I am, as my friends know, a very generous
kinda gal and I want to spread the healthy bakes
word any way I can. I know they try their darndest
to help me but I don't expect them to give
away all of their cookies! So - I will just have to give up one
cookie that I would normally call MINE! And give it to
someone out there that needs it more than me r maybe we'll say
you just want a taste! haha I think I have something here!
Good now that that's settled lets get started>
Come on over & make a comment on my blog, food, anything please!
Just get over here and then tell all of your friends to get over here too!
Who ever makes the most entertaining comment gets the cookie FREEE!
Oh! Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip is the flave of the month! Yummo!
Winner will be selected at the end of the month.


The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

What a generous offer dear Catherine! Yummy PB - hey everyone these are THE BEST COOKIES EVER!!!

Anonymous said...

Please add me to the Give-Away..thanks, the kids loved your cookies last Christmas...Magga